Save the Whales

The restoration of all endangered blue whale species is an effort that requires both multilateral and personal support. In order to fuel the replenishment of this endangered species, we need to acknowledge the severity of our actions with respect to their effects on blue whale populations. It is imperative that we modify these actions, keeping the safety of the blue whales as a high priority.

Solutions to Save the Whales

The blue whale needs to be recognized as an alarmingly endangered species, whose conservation should be fully respected. That being said, the IWC and other major governing bodies need to fully promote the protection of these species by encouraging all countries to adhere to the moratorium on whaling. This includes Iceland, Norway, and the Russian Federation- countries which have objected the moratorium. In order to justify the protection of the whales throughout the world, the IWC's moratorium needs to encompass all countries, in order to ensure that the blue whales are expected to be completely protected by the humans.

In order to deal with the anthropogenic issues that affect the ability of blue whales to develop and flourish, governments need to implement laws and procedures, which consider the protection of the blue whales.

It is important that governments consider alternative options to the human activities in the oceans. To prevent further habitat degradation of marine ecosystems it is imperative that governments isolate major shipping routes from areas, which contain marine mammal habitats. Doing so would minimize the risk of ship strikes that cause potential harm to blue whales.

Noise pollution affects a whale's sense of hearing and communication patterns. To reduce noise pollution from ships, it is ideal and should be mandatory to utilize vessels that have an engine isolated from the hull. Furthermore, the maintenance of large boats, including regularly cleaning the ship's propellers and the repair of any faulty sections of the boat are necessary to lessen the output of noise considerably.

Political leaders worldwide need to acknowledge the ever-present and continuously growing threat of climate change and work together to reduce our carbon footprint. Stronger enforcement of laws and taxes which deter the large scale emission of greenhouse gases should be of utmost importance in order to protect the blue whale and all kinds of wildlife. Another alternative which would contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions would be to provide incentives for consumers to buy hybrid cars as opposed to traditional ones.

 In order to enhance the ability of threatened species to adapt to the new environment conditions, it is necessary to identify areas of ocean in which there is an abundance of blue whales and designate it as a sanctuary in which ships must avoid. Implementing these sanctuaries would prevent any further habitat degradation caused by ship traffic. In doing so, the risk of physical injury and noise pollution will be reduced, therefore supporting the reproductive success of blue whales.

"We owe it to our children to be stewards of the environment. The alternative? A world without whales."

-Pierce Brosnan